99Stack Cloud

The decentralized cloud with privacy by default.

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Many locations

Boost your global presence, with public cloud resources on every continent near your customers. We serve areas typically under-served by other cloud providers, in addition to the major popular regions.

Privacy by default

We do not collect more than the absolute minimum amount of personal information required to establish a contract. Top up your balance with any major crypto currency, including privacy coins.


99Stack Cloud is powered by a wide range of fully independent data center operators. Manage your public cloud resources through a unified UI, without vendor lock in or centralized dependencies.

Pay as you go

Enterprise-grade infrastructure, for a fraction of the cost compared to Big Tech clouds. Deploy public cloud instances and resources with hourly billing and pay only for what you use.

Object Storage

Deploy object storage instances, optimized for storage of unstructured files and data. Fully S3 compatible, fully scale-able and powered by Min.io open source object storage engine.

High Performance

All of our services are powered by KVM virtualization, tweaked for performance, well documented and kept simple to ensure security, redundancy and maximum performance.

User friendly control panel

Fully responsive web based control panel for your desktop, laptop or mobile devices. Manage everything with ease.

Our control panel works on any device with responsive scaling of elements to use screens of any size as efficient as possible. Click on items in lists to expand and view more advanced information with ease. Quickly access relevant pages in our knowledge base for more information on how to get started.

Customize the panel on your profile page, switch between dark and bright mode properly based on your preferences. Dark mode is enabled by default.

Censorship resistance

Censorship resistant.

With reversed roles we put preassure on our providers to offer you the most censorship resistant solution available. Not the other way around.

Rampant censorship is ruining the internet, just like popup windows, trackers and ads. Today's censorship is often pushed from above, and happily enforced by the big players on the market. 99Stack Cloud operates differently, and will only pass forward the rules set by the independent provider who operates the data center.

Thanks to this approach you get instant access to 70+ independent data centers operated by smaller providers, with more flexible acceptable use policies. All managed through one decentralized unified API or graphical control panel, with privacy by default.

Simple API. With everything you need

Manage your public cloud resources with ease thanks to our well documented, flexible and easy to use API.

Finally a unified API that makes sense, with proper version management and no breaking changes. Input and output format are set to json by default which is easy to work with in most languages and systems. fa-sharp fa-regulart distributed servers and generous rate limits allows easy integration.

All available features are first added to our API, and later added to the more simplified graphical control panel. This includes management of accounts and payments if you prefer an extra layer of privacy by using our public cloud completely without JavaScript.

API documentation