Why choose us

What makes 99Stack Cloud a better alternative, we got the answer

Crypto accepted

Direct payments without middleman to overcharge or censor your transactions.

Privacy by default

We abstain from collecting, tracking, or trading your personal information.

100% Up-time

Multi regional and independent zones for optimal stability and load balancing.

Simple API

Automate your deployments and manage resources with our simple API.

Free speech

No opinion is too "controversial", we encourage open discussion.

Object storage

S3 compatible object storage instances powered by open source.

Block storage

Deploy additional NVMe SSD block storage drives to any instance.

Private network

Use virtual private clouds to isolate your private network traffic within a region.


We utilize 100% KVM virtualization to ensure optimal performance.

Auto backup

Backups safeguard your data in the event of a server-disrupting disaster.

Enhanced Security

Updates undergo strict testing for optimal security and system stability.

24/7/365 Support

By ticket, email, knowledge base, docs and community forum.

DDoS protection

Mitigation of most DDoS attacks to ensure your services won't go down.

Scale quickly

Our multi region approach provides availibility zones for horizontal scaling.

Cloud init

Automate installation with init scripts, using your favorite script language.

170+ system ISO's

Pre installed and ready to be used instantly after deployment.

Pay as you go

All resources on your account are billed hourly, pay only for what you use.

Affiliate program

Earn 5% commission on all future payments made by your referrals.

70+ data centers

Low latency worldwide, facilitated by strategically located servers.


Distribute your workload over multiple independent data center regions.